2016 5km TT
For those who’ve not done these before, it’s pretty simple. You run round and round a track for a distance of 5km. You have a finish time and results are based on an Age-Adjusted system. Essentially with this system it helps to be, well, erm, “mature”.
For those who have done these over last few years, unfortunately due to the increase in events, it is with great sadness that the 5km TT Committee has decided you will now have to count your own laps! I know madness!
If you have no idea what I am talking about, message me back with any q’s to 5kmtimetrial@woodstockrunners.org.au
Race Time = 6:45pm sharp, so be there in good time to warm up and Bib collection!
After TNT 5KM TT = 8:00pm = Pub of choosing (5km TT Executive Committee choosing)
Entry = Free!!
Anyone who is unable/not planning to race/has a running widow, VOLLIES are always needed to help and encourage your fellow Woodies! If you’re able to help that would be awesome, again please let me know. You’ll get special mention and thank you, not least Km’s for Logbook awards!